Are you looking to give your small business a fresh new look? If so, you’ll want to keep an eye on the latest design trends. In this blog post, we’ll share four design trends that are popular right now and that your business should be using. 

Before we dive in – our core belief is that you should focus on a brand that is classic and can stand on its own through any trend – however, we always keep an eye on trends to see if they are something worth incorporating. 

Companies today use digital platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube to connect with customers. Having visibility in the online space is necessary, but connecting with their customers online in engaging and relevant ways can be difficult for small businesses.

One way to engage your customers with fun and creative content is to keep an eye on popular design trends. Here are four design trends forecasted to be a hit in 2022. 

Powerfully Playful. This trend is all about having fun with your designs. Think bright colors, geometric shapes, and bold patterns. This trend is perfect for businesses that want to stand out and be noticed. Images used for this trend should be positive and optimistic. Your designs should inspire others, be whimsical, and remind your customers to enjoy the little things in life.

Soft Pop. Soft pop takes a page from powerfully playful. Content for this trend should look like fun graphics like emojis, cartoons, bubbly and fluffy textures or symbols. Don’t be afraid to play with different typography styles, as fun fonts pop up in social media posts. Adobe even has a Soft Pop typography collection we recommend you check out.

Consistency. This trend is all about using the same colors, fonts, and design elements across your business’s platforms. You want your customers to recognize your business across all digital channels. [Secretly our favorite.]

Movement. This trend is all about using movement in your designs. This can be achieved with animation, GIFs, or even video content. Action grabs attention, and 3D animated images and cartoons help to keep customers engaged. A great app we love to use for this is called Pixel Up. 

Design works well when you know the rules, then learn how to break them. So, have fun experimenting this year, and if you need any help, feel free to book a call. You can find all of our extremely kind team members at